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Support with Grammar School Admissions

At Elmridge, we are committed to supporting parents and pupils with their aspirations.

Summer Term Challenge Club

This club will give pupils the opportunity to explore some areas of mathematics that they have not yet met in the school curriculum as well as explore others in more depth. Pupils will also get the opportunity to practise some of the question types that they will meet in the entrance examinations in the autumn.

Comprehension and Maths

Comprehension and reading are at the heart of our curriculum. Please see the English Curriculum page and Classes pages for more information. All children receive daily maths lessons. For further information please see the Maths Curriculum page and Classes page.


We offer children in Years 4 and 5 annual optional NFER testing.  Scores are sent home to parents in the end of year report to give an indication of children’s progress with verbal and non-verbal reasoning skills.  In addition, at the end of the summer term Year 5 children will be able to sit a mock examination to gain valuable experience of what exam conditions will be like if they plan to sit examinations in the autumn.  The tests papers will be sent home for parents to mark and review.  Finally, children in Year 5 will have opportunity to look at some verbal reasoning skills in the summer term within the classroom.

Please view each school’s admission page for current information on entrance examination arrangements and admissions:

Trafford Grammar Familiarisation Guides

Admission Timetable for Trafford Grammar School entry in September 2023

The Schools Admissions Code, that came into effect in 2012, stated that by law, schools must take all reasonable steps to inform parents of the outcome of tests before the closing deadline for the Common Application form (CAF) on October 31st.

The following five schools are known as the Trafford Grammar Schools CEM Consortium (TGSCC): Altrincham Grammar for Girls, Altrincham Grammar for Boys, Sale Grammar, Stretford Grammar and Urmston Grammar.

Children sit only one test. Parents can request the raw scores be shared between the schools. Scores cannot be shared between the schools after the standardisation process. Parents have to apply to one of the five schools to sit the exam and state which schools to share the scores with. It is possible for a child to pass the test for one school and not for another; this is because the raw scores are being compared to a different cohort of children. Each school has its own admissions policy.

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Elmridge Primary School
Wilton Drive, Hale Barns
Altrincham, Cheshire WA15 0JF